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Look better, feel better

If you ask someone today "How are you feeling?" You would probably get an answer of "good," "fine," "okay" but how often is this really true? Many people walk around looking and acting like zombies everyday and a majority of the time it's completely their fault.


So, how can we start to combat this issue?

To begin, actually put some thought in to the way you look everyday. No, I don't mean spending tons on all the most expensive clothes, products, fragrances, etc. I don't mean building all your self confidence, pride, and joy on your image and others approval, that's dangerous. I mean looking good everyday simply because you care about yourself. With anything in life you want to make the best of it, so make the best of how you look. Here are some simple ideas that you can easily incorporate everyday.


Dress Better

Always dress like you are going to meet someone extremely important at any moment. Keep your style simple but look good. It doesn't take hundreds of dollars to dress well but it will take some money. Think of this as an investment in yourself. There are tons of great style pages on twitter as well as articles with specific clothing advice. Seek them out! Dressing better everyday has tons of benefits, so why not start?


Groom Better

Create a routine each day for grooming yourself. Think of it, write it down, stick to it, modify as needed. Grooming is prepping and taking time in order to put the best version of you forward each and every day. It's a must if you want to feel better and look better. It's things like brushing and flossing your teeth, shaving, and trimming to your best look, washing and taking care of your skin, styling your hair, etc. Take pride in this, and make it part of your lifestyle and soon you'll be unrecognizable compared to your old unkempt self.



Newsflash, people want to be around friendly people. What's the quickest way for people to see you as friendly? Smile. A welcoming appearance will instantly change peoples perceptions of you in a positive manner. It doesn't have to be a huge grin, just a simple smile will make you more attractive and assist you in feeling better on a daily basis.


Hydrate and Eat right

You know what I'm going to say. Eat a healthy diet and drink water. This will ultimately play the largest role in you looking better over time. The benefits are endless. If you can hydrate and eat a good diet consistently you're already doing better than a large percentage humans.


Keep your areas clean

This is one that I still struggle with, but it really can make a difference. Keep your home, car, office, room, etc. clean always. Try to always keep these areas in a way that you would be ready for company to come by at any time. This will eliminate any chance for a big mess. It's not easy to have your life completely together, and to put the best version of you forward each day if the places you spend the most time are a mess.

Tip: Clean as you go, rather than waiting till everything is a huge mess. Clean each mess right away as soon as you make it, no waiting.


Get some sunlight

Spend time outside in nature every chance you get. Especially in the sun when you can. Go on hikes, runs, read a book outside, or just sit in nature. There's tons you can do. Looking like a ghost is not anyones best look and the health benefits to being outside and in the sun are great. Especially as we're coming out of winter spend more time outside.


Get Fit

You can't expect to look better and feel better if you can't manage to invest enough in yourself to be fit. Getting in shape will make you more attractive. There's no denying that. You will never regret getting into shape and putting in the time to workout. I've never regretted going to the gym. Start, be consistent and soon you'll love it!



Looking good is hard, when you have no energy to do so. You need sleep. It's should be a priority to everyone. Don't expect to look good or feel good if you sleep 4 hours a night at random times. You can control this. Make the change.


To end this off I wanted to include some of the things I find most important to this topic. First, do not say you don't have time for these things. Taking care of yourself and presenting yourself well is something you make time for. You say you don't have time then spend hours watching Netflix, playing video games, obsessing over politics, scrolling through social media, etc. So really don't give me that terrible excuse. Second, everyone has a desire to be important. If you walk around looking like shit all the time don't expect other people to think you are, and don't expect to feel like you are. It's your own fault. People judge. Everyone in the world forms an idea of you based of their first impression.

If you want the vast majority of people you meet to have a good first impression of you start by employing these tips.

Look better, feel better

For more daily helpful life content follow my twitter @optimizelifern or go to my website home page

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